Top Personal Moments of the Year Uncategorized admin  

My top 10 personal moments of 2011!

Looking back at 2011, it was a pretty good year for me. First and foremost, I got my health back and returned to form physically and psychologically. Took the whole of 2010 to wing that for 2011, so last year was like a whole new world for me. I was back from hell. I saw the light again. It was a long road.  I also spent a fuckload of time at the Bell Center with friends and mostly my brother Pat to see Habs hockey games. Win or lose, it’s always a blast! I can’t get enough! It’s like a second home for me. And I love sharing that with my bro. I also simplified things, in terms of my social life, by rule of thumb I attract drama but life’s too short for bullshit, so I got real good at shutting doors and walking away. Fuck that. The site I run (Arrow in the Head) is doing fine and is being discovered by the new generation; so my hard work is paying off. Love the fans positive energy too and at this point, the haters are good for a laugh.

Moreover, I got my mojo back creatively. Be it acting, writing etc. I have the spark again, which I had lost in 2010. Any negatives? Not really. I got a back injury playing hockey at the end of the year, Doctors telling me the worse when it wasn’t, it took me two weeks to recuperate, it was a pain in the ass, but whatever. There was some other shit, but don’t want to share. Nothing I couldn’t handle. 🙂 Sometimes you have to look at what you have and not what you don’t have, and I try to that more. I have great friends, many passions, I have the opportunity to live many lives in my life, to see the world, have many new experiences and although painstaking slow at times, my efforts bring results…sooner or later.  For better and for worse, I am doing it all “my way”, personally and professionally. Not always the easiest path to chose but I like it better that way. At least I succeed or fail on my own terms. I also have trouble with authority, organizations, people telling me what I can or cannot do, so by being THE authority: problem fucking solved. So really man, I got nothing to complain about! So here are the top 10 things I cherished the most in 2011. And here’s to an even better 2012! Am feeling confidant and positive. Charge!

Meeting and having lunch with Arnold Schwarzenegger in New Mexico! I have no pics with the guy, so here's New Mexico!
FINALLY meeting one of my idols: Guy Lafleur!

Playing hockey and getting better at it! It kees me fit and out of trouble...
A drama free Comic Con (rare for me)! Got to hang with some of my best buds:  Berge, Donny and Eric Red. And we even had our own party which Jon Favreau DJed! Was a great moment for Berge and I.

Having my Australian homie Bryant come down to MTL twice to live Habs hockey life with me! Always great to have him around!

Spending time in France with my bud David Cholewa and doing Dead Shadows with the dude!

Seeing Lucian Bute fight live!

Camping and doing lots of nature inclined type of shit.

Doing lots of winter and water sports! (No, not that kind)
Hanging with my bud Gonzalo in Paris!
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